Was able to get an hour of fishing in this cold November afternoon. Checked out a small tributary to a well known SEPA trout water near me. This has been my new hobby as of late and I plan to continue it strong into 2021. Starting to explore and do recon on every fishable water way there is in the surrounding states, starting with my home area.
I think im most excited about heading north into Schuylkill and Carbon counties come 2021 along with NW PA. There will be lots of camping and exploration to be had with the abundance of SGL that exist.
After getting to the water it was low, cold and clear. Definitely not the best combination for wild trout. What also didn’t help (me atleast) was the spurts of wannabe hail\rain that was happening on and off for the near 2 hours I was on the water.
Simplistic and small patterns was the key after finding some fish in some pools after spooking most in the runs. While there were a handful of fish that were sporadically rising in the riffles. A size 22 black zebra midge and size 18 hares ear got me a few fish. Heres to marking another blue line off the map.