Today I took my brother and his friend to the biggest creek near by. We needed a place to fish that had a high chance of us landing a few. This stream was fairly close and was recently stocked by the state.
I was late getting up so I met them 30 minutes after they arrived on the stream, around 8am. Like every day, the stream was already packed even barely after sun rise. We were able to get a spot at one of the popular holes and drifted some flies down the riffles. Everyone actually picked up a fish within 30 minutes here. All on your common beaded nymph patterns.

After an hour or more of pretty slow action we made our move upstream, fishing another popular hole. A few hours later we had a few more fish on the board, one even a beautiful wild brown.

This stream is one I need to fish more often, as it holds stocked and some wild fish year round. It is large enough and stays cold enough to be a decent SEPA fishery compared to the other sewer run-offs we call streams around here.