I was anticipating on where to fish this coming weekend but couldnt decide. I have so many blue lines just in the surrounding counties let alone outside of them. The dogs had me up early at 4am needing to go out so I was up trying to stay awake. At about 6am that changed and I dozed off. Upon waking back up around 8am i decided to just stay local since I could of already gained 2hours on the road if my eyes stayed open.

I headed to some public land in montco to see if I couldn’t find some fish. The first spot was known to hold some native brookies. It was an easy path to the stream and an interesting body of water to say the least. When i reached the water I had the choice to fish about 500 yards upstream or 500 yards downstream. I opted to head up towards the headwaters first which I think was a mistake. After about 100 yards of it being all but a trickle of water and rocks, I turned around and headed back down.

Upon heading back down the water was lookin better. It was getting bigger and wider. Some small pools were appearing.

Continuing the hike down stream for the next 400 yards or so wasn’t too productive. There were only a few handful sections of water that would of held trout and I did spot a few. Two here one there. All of which i spooked. The water being low and clear didnt help. I did come across one small back eddy pool that held probably 7 or 8 fish. They were all probably only 2-3″ long but so congregated in a puddle.
Unfortunately no fish were caught, only one that i breifly hooked up with as its 2″ body flopped off the hook mid set. I decided on the way home to stop by one more location, another public land spot.
Im glad I did because the water was beautiful. I’ve never fished it before but wish I had. Luck still wasn’t on my side as I rolled 3 nice fish in the 100 yards or so of section I was fishing before finally landing one.