I met up with my buddy Nick on a pretty unpressured peice of water, at-least to my knowledge. Even though we saw footprints in the fresh snow covered ground where someone apparently already fished it within the past 2 days.
The usual parking locations were plowed up with snow so we had to find an alternative. After parking we geared up and headed to the water. Because we were upstream from where wed normally be walked the entire stream down so we could start at the lower section and fish our way back up. This is a common and preferred method so you’re not approaching fish from in front of them, most likely spooking everything you’re trying to throw something at.
As we were both using a mono nymphing rigs I decided to swap out to a dual streamer setup just to play some odds. I also needed to work on my streamer fishing regardless. Nick hooked into the first fish which was a nice sized brown for the water in question. He also appeared to miss two fish, or at-least strikes prior.

I attempted to jig the hole with streamers a few times but could not pick up a fish. We moved down stream to another good looking hole and Nick was able to pick up another. This time it was a dink, but all the fun regardless. While alot of the water we trenched through, im sure there were fish present that were spooked or otherwise. We focused mainly on just the obvious holding water given only having a few hours to fish.
Approaching sundown Nick was able to pickup one more fish while i had a decent brown chase my streamer twice before dissapearing forever.
Fun times!