This might of been one of my longest days yet. Awoke at 6am, on the road at 7am. Finally home at 8pm. I headed Northwest this morning to meet up with my buddy George. George and I found out recently we fish alot of the same watersheds around the state. We’ve tried to fish together numerous times before but someone always had something happen last minute. Finally we made this day happen and met up to do some Native, Wild and Stocked Rainbow fishing.

It was about 9AM when we finally got on the first water. The temperature today was pretty cold. Colder then normal compared to the past week anyway. It was 22 degrees with a wind temp of 12. Luckily being sheltered in the valley and surrounded by the trees helped with this. We both actually broke quite a sweat originally hiking the 30 minutes in or so.
I was primarily here to film, at-least at the first stream. After that we were going to check another UNT near by and then lastly head to another stream before calling it a day. We spent about 3 hours or so fishing the first stream. George probably had about 6 or 7 fish to hand and at-least that many lost. The beauty of the fish and surroundings never get old.

It was about 12:30 and we decided to check out another trib near by. It ended up being a bust and being pretty small. We only explored about 200 yards of it since George had to head home around 3PM. I do believe it to hold fish, perhaps further up towards the headwaters, but perhaps another day will tell that tale.

We decided with the remaining hours left we’d head to another water that was known to hold Wild browns, rainbows, and even some Native Brookies, albeit rare. It wasn’t long until we started getting into fish. First the stockies one after another, then the Wild Browns. After about an hour of navigating a few hundred yards of the waterway it was time for George to head home as it was nearing 3’oclock. I stayed to fish the remaining 3 hours of day light.

I fished mainly in a 50 yard stretch or so in the middle of the stretch that had fish swimming around. There was even a large deep pool that had quite a few monsters in it(16-20″ fish). For some reason these fish were suspended higher up in the water column while I was catching alot of the smaller fish 2-3feet lower under them. Unfortunately I was not able to convince any of them to play, perhaps next time.