I had plans to meet up with Andrew after work Friday to fish a Delco ATW fishery that we haven’t fished yet this year. I was done around noon and met him on the stream. We started fishing around 1PM and it didnt take long to get into some fish. We started at the upper end of the section and basically walked it all the way down to almost the lower.
Its a long stretch of water and most of the holes had fish in them where you’d expect. The whole goal of todays outing was to actually see who could catch more golden rainbows. After Andrew heard about me having my own goal for the season he started challenging himself as well.
I had wishful thinking that today would be an incredible day of success. When I scouted the stream a day prior I counted 6 golden rainbows in the whole stream. When we got to fishing, we actually counted 8 different ones. We only had access to about 5 or 6 of them however and Andrew actually rolled two of them. The others were in such uncastable conditions like butt up against rocks or bushes where you couldn’t get a drift in.
I was however able to catch the first one Andrew rolled in the last half of the day on the way back to the car. After probably 20 casts and a few fly changes he ended up taking a size 20-22 black midge with a cdc collar.

This made number 6 for my 2021 season, with 3 left to go.