Even when up against the 20ft cane pone fisherman, the lifters(I’m looking at you rotten teeth guy) and the guy using candy as bait – we still managed a few slabs to the net. All to be released for some kid to experience with the opportunity the next day.
Outing Overview
Date Fished: 4/24/22
Water Conditions: Clear
Water Temp: Unknown
Weather Conditions: Warm, Partly Sunny
Weather Temp: Unknown

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I am a Sophomore from Knoch HS in Butler County. I would like to say that I really appreciate what you guys do, making a quality fly fishing video while also catching trophy trout is a petty tall order and one that you guys seem to have no trouble in achieving. I have been trying to find the name of this stream ever since the last time you made a video there so that I could go over there when I am at my grandparents in Allentown next. The other thing that had to ask of you was what types of midges and other patterns do you use for palominos? I have just caught my 12th and 13th Goldens this past week and those were also the 1st and 2nd on a fly rod. The first caught was on an olive wooly bugger and the second was on a Pink Ice Dub Squirmy Worm that I tied, and now I am just looking to broaden my selection of flies to choose from that a palomino would take. If you made it through my long winded question for you I would really love to hear back from you.
Keep It Up!