There are certain streams that I wont bother fishing unless the levels are right. This is one of those streams. When they stream is anywhere from 70-100CFS it usually fishes amazingly. It also drops particulary fast. After all that rain we got it peaked at 1500 CFS during the day. Come the next morning it was flowing at a perfect 85CFS.
So I took that as a window of opportunity and headed out. I did expect to do better then I did however, atleast with the streamers. I will pretty much exclusively fish streamers when after a good rain or high stained water event. It might of been the cold temperatures of the water or just an off day, because after an hour of stripping big flies I only had a few swipes with no hook ups.
I decided to swap out rods and start using the nymph setup. Not long into it I was able to get into a few fish. Since it was still under 30 degrees and I wanted to end it on a good note I stopped fishing there and called it a day.
Unfortunately the GoPro changed settings on me so i apologize for the crappy 4:3 resolution
Beautiful trout! Happy holidays. I am just beginning after 16 years off. Only caught two BASS in the last month. Out this am at 28 degrees with sucker spawn and Prince nymphs Pheasant Tails combo, no good! Fun times in the sun though. Eventually I’ll find a fish dumber than me!
Hey Bill, happy holidays! What part of the state are you located in? Keep persisting!